Sunday, January 24, 2010

Oh, Stephanie Meyer, what have you done...

I have just finished the second installment of Stephanie Meyer's Twilight series, the latest books to set the hearts of rabid teenage girls (and their mothers) aflutter. I gave the books an honest chance, really, and I have come to one conclusion: I hate them. Honestly, I don't see even a modicum of appeal here. All I see is a glorified internet fic written to fulfill the wishes of a bored housewife. And by housewife, I mean an eighth grade girl. These are my main complaints against the books:

1) Bella and Edward are two of the most blatant Mary-Sue's/Gary-Lou's I've ever seen. Ever. (In case you don't know what a Mary-Sue/Gary-Lou is, click here. If you want to see for yourself whether or not they are Sue's, click here.)

2) The grammar and sentence construction reminds me of mediocre middle school writing.

3) The only semi-enjoyable character (Jacob) not only wastes his time on the book's rather worthless heroine, but he's not even getting any tail in return, despite the fact that he seems like a much better match/boyfriend than Edward would ever be. (For example, Jacob can crack a joke more than once a decade.)

4) I get it already. Edward is hot. Shut up, please.

5) I get this too: Bella is not as hot as Edward. Or she, at least, seems to think she isn't, but from the description of her appearance in the first book and by her classmates' reaction to her, it's safe to assume that Bella isn't what you'd call ugly.

6) I always thought it was poor form to make your reader wait until page 372 of a 498 page book to throw in the plot.

7) There is nothing new in this book. The sexy, flawless vampires (well, flawless except for the melodrama, which also is not new), the forbidden romance, the somehow captivating, yet mortal woman who wins the impossible-to-win heart of the demigod, none of it.

8) The heroine seems to have no flaws...oh, wait, she's clumsy, never mind. (She's also an idiot, considering, among other things, that she still can't believe her boyfriend loves her after multiple savings of her life/riskings of his own, but I'm sure that flaw was unintentional.)

There are more reasons, but I'd rather not bore who ever decides to read this. If I wanted to bore you, I'd recommend Twilight.

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